Gaggenau Steam Oven Descaling

Gaggenau Steam Oven Descaling

Gaggenau Steam Oven Descaling should be performed every time the Descaling Symbol blinks on the display. Depending on the hardness of the water entering the oven, the Discaling Symbol will constantly blink on the display after a certain number of hours, showing that the inlet pipe should be descaled.

Gaggenau Steam Oven Descaling SymbolTo descale the inlet pipe, proceed as follows:
– Remove the shelf and the side plate on the left.
– Dismantle the inlet pipe by removing the nut (13 mm) and pulling the inlet pipe out of the mount.
– Clean the inlet pipe by soaking it in white vinegar, citric acid, or descaler.
– Reinstall the inlet pipe in the reverse order.

Gaggenau Steam Oven Descaling KnobsAfter descaling, the descaling display must be turned off manually.
– Turn the two control knobs to the topmost position.
– Press the v (Confirmation) key and keep it pressed.
– Turn the “Moisture level” knob to the right.
– Release the v (Confirmation) key.
– Turn the “Moisture level” control knob to the “Descaling” position on the right.
– Press the v (Confirmation) key.
The Descaling Symbol goes off.

Gaggenau Repair San Diego

If you need assistance with your appliance, our team at MD Appliance LLC is here to help! We specialize in professional appliance repair services for various brands and models. Contact us today to schedule a service call, and we will ensure your appliance is restored to optimal working condition.

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